Dear Prudence Husband Best Friend Cleans House 2017
"PLAYING Doc" UPDATE: Why I Dearest Honey Prudence (Emily Yoffe)
UPDATE! aheyrbeaaa
As astounding as the advice "Prudence" gives to the neighbor who might report two teens having sex is the terminal story on the Dear Prudence page, which I originally missed. Here it is. Prudence — Emily Yoffe — wrote information technology after advising a grown reader that playing doctor as a kid is not something to look back on in adulthood and re-cast as shameful or even a "sexual assault."
Q. Re: Playing Medico: I would add this discussion of caution. Today these sorts of things are taken EXTREMELY seriously. Last year my family went through hell when my girl mentioned playing doctor with her older brother to a friend. My children would have been approximately ages 6 and 4 (we never were able to determine this exactly; they may have been slightly older or younger) when it happened—there was some showing of parts to each other. This friend, appropriately so I guess, told her female parent. The mother then mentioned it to the school principal, a mandated reporter. The department of child and family unit services was called. An investigation ensued that involved 2 home visits and interviews with my children. In addition my girl had to undergo a forensic interview with a child psychologist; my son had to give an audio recorded statement to the police force. Afterwards the investigation, the entire case was dropped, simply the entire process was one of the most stressful experiences of my entire life, made more then by that fact that you cannot talk to anyone about it. So I would caution parents who speak to children, as they should, nigh abuse that they mention that at that place are some developmentally normal situations during that these things tin occur. I had been speaking to my girl frequently about sexual assault when she mentioned the incident with her blood brother to her friend, because a friend'due south daughter had been raped by a charabanc. The impression I got from many people I dealt with in this process was that to many of these professionals at that place is no such thing equally acceptable or normal "playing doctor," except the advisor whom my daughter ended up seeing and who helped our family movement through all of this.
Lenore hither: The lesson here is the same as the lesson below: Practise NOT destroy anyone's life past summoning the authorities!
Equally if it wasn't enough that Emily Yoffe wrote one of my favorite journalistic investigations of all time — The Higher Rape Overcorrection (in which she writes, "Sexual assault on campus is a serious problem. Only efforts to protect women from a putative epidemic of violence have led to misguided policies that infringe on the civil rights of men"), she's also Dear Prudence! "Prudie" is a modern, vivid advice-giver, daily injecting sanity into a world bent on overreaction, fear and interference. Here is a letter that ran yesterday, as always, on Slate (boldface mine):
Q: Neighbour'south Teenage Daughter Has Boyfriend Over: I live in a condo next door to a widow with a 16-year-old girl. This family unit and I have been friends for a long fourth dimension, and we get forth well and have never had any problems. I've been home due to recovering from surgery, and one afternoon later on schoolhouse, I saw the girl and her boyfriend get into the condo when the mother wasn't at that place. I also heard what sounded like loud sex going on in the room on the other side of my domicile office wall. I brought this to the mother's attention, and she said she knew about it but would tell them to be serenity. When I asked her why she immune this, she said she'd rather they be in a safe, comfy place and have protection than to exist sneaking effectually in parked cars and such. I was absolutely appalled past this and wonder if I can still be friends with these people or if I should call the police, since both of these kids are underage (both xvi). Should I turn them in or just turn a blind eye to it?
A: Delight requite me your address, then I can head over to your house to take away your phone. You need to make a quick recovery and terminate snooping on this family unit. What you heard was loud, mutually desired sex. This was confirmed to you by the mother of the daughter. Now that you know that you are next door to ii horny teenagers, you have to get out of the business of trying to ruin immature people's lives. If you called the police, I would sincerely promise they would back abroad once they figured out what was going on. But who knows? Nosotros do not need more innocent young people put through the criminal justice organization and ending up on the sex offender registry. It'southward fine if y'all no longer wish to be friends with this widow and her daughter, but please just decide to mind your own business and non destroy anyone's life.
By the way, those are great words to repeat when someone picks up the phone to study the parents of a child walking home from the park, a child waiting in the car during a brief errand, or a child competently caring for him or herself as a latchkey kid: Do not destroy anyone's life by summoning the authorities! – L
"Hello, officeholder? I'd similar to study some normal homo behavior that I don't approve of."
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