Can You Customize Ships in No Man's Sky

The subject of this commodity is from the Frontiers update.
The data from this article is upwards-to-date as of 15 Feb, 2022.

The Apostle of Devastation - an exotic Squid send

A Starship is the major means of travel in No Man's Heaven.


  • i Summary
  • 2 Characteristics
  • 3 Starship Catalogue
    • 3.1 Notable ships
  • four Starship Archetypes
    • 4.1 Shuttle - Low & Balanced Bonuses
    • 4.2 Fighter - Loftier Impairment Bonus
    • 4.3 Explorer - Loftier Hyperdrive Bonus
    • iv.4 Hauler - High Shield Bonus
    • 4.5 Exotic - High & Balanced Stats
    • Living Send - Large Tech Inventory / Low Shields
    • four.7 Freighter
  • v Buying a starship
  • six Starship by cost
  • 7 Crashed starships
  • viii Starship components and technology
    • eight.1 Upgrading Starship Technology
      • viii.1.1 Technology Blueprints
      • 8.ane.2 Upgrade Modules
    • 8.2 Upgrading Living Transport Technology
      • 8.2.1 Applied science Blueprints
      • 8.2.2 Upgrade Modules
  • nine Upgrading A Starship Course or Size
  • 10 Starship devastation
  • eleven Version Differences
  • 12 Pre-order starships
    • 12.1 Pre-release starships
  • 13 Additional Information
  • fourteen Gallery
  • 15 External links
  • 16 References

Summary [ ]

Starships, or ships, play a major role in No Man's Sky. They are necessary for gameplay progression unless a thespian plans to stay on 1 planet the whole game. Starships permit players to travel between planets and solar systems, fight in space battles, appoint in space encounters, reach the centre of the milky way, store resource, and trade. The histrion begins the game with one starship and can acquire boosted starships later, up to a maximum of six starships at any ane time.

Players are not the just entities that employ starships. NPC-controlled starships, including pirates and Sentinel Interceptors, populate the skies on planets also as the interplanetary space within star systems. In addition to interim every bit a main source of new starships, NPC starships carry valuable resources and products for sale, and they can exist followed to locate certain inhabited points of interest.

Due to the static nature of the seed in No Man's Heaven, a well documented ship will always exist able to be found once again. A system that spawns a rare design - for case an exotic - in its beginning armada landing on a space station or trade port will ever do and so on revisit or reload. The same goes for the wait timers on stations or ports until a transport blazon shows up. If a particular send has piqued your interest, finding a station or port information technology lands on every bit part of the starting time group is the best grinding spot.

Notation: Ships Inventory and Tech Inventory sizes listed below are only their starting values. One time a transport has been upgraded to S rank, almost all ships inventories can be increased to 48+21

Characteristics [ ]

All ships are defined by the following primary aspects:

  • inventory spaces
  • technology spaces
  • harm potential (base of operations: 33.8) [Shuttles/Explorers/Haulers take 33.8 at Class C]
  • fuel efficiency (launch costs are doubled in Survival and Permadeath Game modes)
  • hyperdrive range (base: 101 lite-years)
  • shield absorption (default: 165.0; bonuses are calculated as 165*(one+0.007xB%))
  • maneuverability, depends on a send type and grade

All of these tin be upgraded with engineering blueprints. These aspects can also have modifiers based on a ship's type and class (see below).

Starship Catalogue [ ]

Yakomaku S79 / Radiant Pillar BC1

For a catalogue of discovered Starships to scroll through, compare, find locations to buy, and to collect detailed data near, refer to the Starship Catalogue page. Note that these pages contain minimal information about the Starship archetypes themselves.

Notable ships [ ]

  • Rasamama S36: original starter transport (one.0-1.ii)
  • Yakomaku S79: Atlas Rises starter send (1.3)
  • Radiant Colonnade BC1: NEXT starter ship (1.5-current)
  • Blastoff Vector or Domanish S84: PS4 pre-order ship (1.0-current)
  • Horizon Omega or Nojose'southward Crystal Folly: PC pre-order ship (1.0-electric current)
  • Golden Vector: Expedition ane: The Pioneers Reward Starship, gold version of Blastoff Vector

Starship Archetypes [ ]

Into the wild blue yonder

In that location are 6 types of starships: Shuttle, Fighter, Hauler, Explorer, Exotic, and Living Transport. Among these archetypes are four alphabetic character-form classes: C, B, A, and S.

  • C-course ships have the fewest inventory spaces, and if there is a grade bonus, information technology will be no more than twenty%.
  • B-class ships take upward the three inventory sizes below the maximum of the tier size, and they accept a 20% or more class bonus.
  • A-course will take either the maximum number of slots or one slot less than max, and has a 35% or more class bonus.
  • S-course ships do not necessarily have the max amount of inventory slots. You tin have an Southward-grade ship with fewer slots than other ships of the aforementioned blazon (fighter/explorer/etc.). [this fact confirmed as of Sept. 2019]
  • Due south-class ships have a 50% or more than class bonus (excluding exotics).
  • Note: Due to the game's mechanic of always rounding down, a 59.99% ship will still brandish 59%. Finding a 'seemingly' perfect ship in any course is thus as likely as winning the lottery. Collectors, don't try!

Every star organisation has 21 dissimilar ship designs: 7 shuttle types, 3 ships of each specialist blazon (Fighter, Hauler, or Explorer), 1 Exotic, and 4 other specialist ships based on that organization's dominant race. S-class ships volition spawn more often in rich economies. Annotation that a ship's properties are randomized each time it lands. The only consistency is in the design and thus tier. If you are already in a wealthy system, it can be beneficial to look for your favorite design to accept a good die curl. During multiplayer an NPC ship can accept a unlike form for each player. The backdrop are rolled for each ane individually.

Spawn chances based on economy:

Economy C Class B Class A Class S Class
Poor 60% 30% 10% 0%
Average 49% 35% 15% 1%
Wealthy 30% 40% 28% 2%

The Class line gives the number of inventory slots, and so the number of technology slots.

Each type of send has 3 tiers of inventory sizes: a minor, medium, and large, though Shuttles do not have a large size inventory. The sizes tin exist identified by the style of wings (or the size of the fuselage for the Shuttle) or by scanning the send using the Assay Visor. (See images below to identify traits of ships with large inventory likewise as how to translate Analysis Visor output.) The archetypes and their major differences are equally follows:

Images of a few ships

Shuttle - Depression & Balanced Bonuses [ ]

Ships of this blazon accept counterbalanced stats, with no pregnant class bonus compared to the other archetypes. These ships look typically blocky with a rectangular canopy, simply some ships in this class have a tubular fuselage. Shuttles do non have a large inventory tier, but are cracking for starter travelers due to their inexpensive cost and increased low-tier inventory infinite.

  • Base Launch Cost: 12.five%
  • Maneuverability: Medium (245-310)
  • Inventory:
Size Full general Tech
min max min max
Modest 18 23 iii six
Medium xix 28 five viii
  • Type bonus (+%):
Class Impairment Shield Hyperdrive
min max min max min max
C Class 0
B Class 0 v 0 5 0 5
A Class 5 10 v 10 five x
S Class fifteen 20 15 xx 15 20

Fighter - High Harm Bonus [ ]

Wing shape of Fighters with large inventory

Ships of this type feature a damage potential class bonus. These ships are the mascot ships of No Man'south Heaven, and are as well the principal starships of pirates across the galaxy.

  • Base Launch Price: 25%
  • Maneuverability: Very High (350-650)
  • Inventory:
Size General Tech
min max min max
Small fifteen 19 2 4
Medium xx 29 3 v
Big 30 38 5 12
  • Blazon bonus (+%):
Class Damage Shield Hyperdrive
min max min max min max
C Class five 10 0 0
B Class xv 30 5 x
A Class 35 50 15 20
S Class 55 sixty fifteen 25

These ships are more than commonly constitute in Vy'keen systems.

Explorer - High Hyperdrive Bonus [ ]

Wing shape of Explorers with big inventory

Ships of this type feature a hyperdrive range class bonus. These ships usually characteristic abstract shapes connected together with many thin, slender pieces with smoothen surface, giving it insectoid or arthropodic expect.

  • Base Launch Cost: 12.5%
  • Maneuverability: High (350-430)
  • Inventory:
Size General Tech
min max min max
Small-scale 15 nineteen three 5
Medium xx 29 5 8
Big 30 38 8 12
  • Blazon bonus (+%):
Class Damage Shield Hyperdrive
min max min max min max
C Class 0 0 7 15
B Class 0 8 20 30
A Class x fifteen 35 45
S Class xx 25 60 80

These ships are more than ordinarily constitute in Korvax systems.

Hauler - High Shield Bonus [ ]

Fly shape of Haulers with large inventory (1)

Wing shape of Haulers with large inventory (2)

Wing shape of Haulers with large inventory (iii)

Ships of this type feature a shield blot form bonus, and they also boast the highest possible inventory spaces. These ships are the largest out of all the other starships, and may or may not accept wing features on them.

  • Base Launch Cost: 25%
  • Maneuverability: Low (150-230)
  • Inventory:
Size General Tech
min max min max
Pocket-size 25 31 two iv
Medium 32 39 4 6
Large 40 48 6 8
  • Type bonus (+%):
Course Impairment Shield Hyperdrive
min max min max min max
C Class 0 12 20 0 five
B Class 0 five 25 35 5 x
A Class 5 10 40 50 xv 25
S Class 10 20 65 85 30 35

These ships are more commonly constitute in Gek systems.

Exotic - High & Counterbalanced Stats [ ]

Exotic is a special ship type. Ships of this type stand out for their unusual features, high course bonuses and high prices for a small-scale sized send. Exotic ships volition always be Southward-class.

  • Base Launch Price: 25%
  • Maneuverability: Loftier (390-440)
  • Inventory:
Size General Tech
min max min max
Pocket-sized 15 20 4 vi
  • Type bonus (+%):
Form Damage Shield Hyperdrive
min max min max min max
S Class 35 50 55 60 50 65

Living Transport - Large Tech Inventory / Low Shields [ ]

Living Ship

Living Ships feature a big corporeality of technology slots with accent on damage output and hyperdrive range. They are categorized by their "Organic" looking compages, with many parts moving during flight. They were commencement added in the Experimental Branch on 18/02/2020, so were officially released on the Living Ships update. The Living Ships tin exist obtained through purchasing a Void Egg and post-obit its questline or by buying information technology similar any other. After the first, subsequent Living Ships toll ten,000 nanites to obtain, rather than edifice it from scratch.

These ships utilize Biotechnology to function, being completely incompatible with synthetic ship technology, both synthetic and procedurally generated, and all technologies utilise dissimilar fuel than their synthetic counterparts. Being an organic being, no new technology tin be "installed", but upgrades can be obtained via Infinite Encounters. As of 2.thirty, dissimilar other ships, it is impossible to expand Living Ships' inventory.

Installing the specified nodes on your living ship will give you the seed generated upgrades of the class specified. However, for A form or lower nodes, if you choose to mutate an existing node to upgrade the class, it volition give you a randomly assigned node of better class that is not bound to the seed generation model regardless of the number of reloads you take.

NOTE: C course Nodes that accept zero stats practise exist. These give the following replacement description: "BIO_UPGRADE_0_STAT_COMMON_DESC"

  • Base Launch Cost: 25%
  • Maneuverability: Average (~200)
  • Inventory:
Size Storage Sacs
Organ Chamber
Medium 22 21
  • Type bonus (+%):
Class Impairment Shield Hyperdrive
min max min max min max
S Class 35 fifty 10 25 50 65

Freighter [ ]

Freighters are considerably more expensive (and much larger) than whatever starship, with prices ranging every bit high as 178 1000000 units. Unlike the above starships, Freighters cannot land on planets or be flown by the histrion. They contain a large amount of inventory infinite, and tin can be used equally a mobile base, including farming and other base of operations-related functions. Just one Freighter can exist owned at a time; still, the player may trade in their current Freighter for ane within a Space Fleet if they have enough units to make upwardly the difference.

  • Inventory:
Type Cargo Tech
min max min max
Standard 15 19 3 6
Capital 24 34 five 9
  • Blazon bonus (+%):
Form Hyperdrive Fleet Coordination
min max min max
C Class 7 xv i 10
B Class 10 19 10 20
A Class 40 60 20 forty
S Class 60 eighty 40 sixty

Buying a starship [ ]

To purchase a ship, players must visit trading posts, space stations, outposts, or freighter hangars. Ship prices depend on the classic, number of slots, and class. Transport prices practice non depend on the number of technologies installed or damaged, on the type bonuses for a specific archetype and class, on the vendor, or on your continuing with the faction of the vendor.

One time a ship has landed, players may trade with the owner, preview the ship's capabilities and if desired, offer to purchase it. Due to the ships being procedurally generated, players may never encounter the same type of transport with the exact same configuration twice, though fighters are more probable to announced as duplicates since there are fewer possible pattern configurations. Fifty-fifty starships that are similarly designed may non have the same amount of inventory space offered. Past reloading a relieve, you can force new ships to appear, rather than waiting for the current ones to exit.

The prices of ships in No Man'southward Heaven are listed on the Cost Catalogue - Starship page.

To purchase a new transport at a trading mail or a space station, you may trade-in your current ship as role of the bargain. The new transport'southward value is as shown in the table, and the trade-in value of your current ship is 70% of the value in the table. If the new ship'southward value is higher than the merchandise-in value (this is ordinarily the instance), you must brand up the departure in units. If the new send's value is lower than your merchandise-in value, so no units are exchanged (i.eastward. you do not collect the difference). If you are trading in a Crashed Send, the trade in value will be reduced by the percentage of Damaged Component slots.

For example, suppose you want to trade in a 38-slot B-grade Hauler for a 48-slot S-class Hauler. The new ship costs 126 million units as per the tabular array. The trade-in value of your current ship is 23.8 million units (70% of the table value of 34 one thousand thousand), and then you must supply an additional 102.2 1000000 units to make the deal. If nineteen of the 38 slots on your B-class Hauler comprise Damaged Components, the trade-in value will be reduced by l% to eleven.9 million units.

Merchandise-in values did not be prior to the Pathfinder update. Ships obtained prior to the Pathfinder update have been classified as C-class and assigned a monetary value based on the amount of slots. The maximum possible value for a pre-Pathfinder send is 49 million units.

If you want to shop for a new Starship inside the HUB Region or other Civilizations etc. refer to the Starship Catalogue to find the ship that suits you the best.

Starship by price [ ]

Values in the tabular array are in thousands of units. This table reflects the values of ships as of the Visions update, which included a pregnant reduction in the cost of freighters.

Crashed starships [ ]

For additional tips

From time to time, a player may meet a crashed ship. If the crashed send is larger or of a better Form or design than the current one, the role player may wish to consider abandoning the current ship and taking over the crashed ship. Yet, the player can only buy it for 0 credits and keep both.

At get-go, information technology might seem that getting a bigger or meliorate send for costless is always a good deal. However, a crashed ship needs extensive repairs to be fully functional and tin can drain a role player'south time and resources.

Several of the crashed ship's base of operations technologies are damaged. Farther the crashed transport always has damaged inventory slots that crave more resources to repair before they can exist used. The unit cost associated with items needed for inventory repair alone may be more than than the net toll to purchase an equivalent vessel at a space station. There is likewise the price to dismantle your old technologies and rebuild them in the new crashed transport or rebuild them from scratch to keep them for both. Finally, you will have to refill the empty hyperdrive, pulse engine, launch thruster, phase beam or other weapon, and deflector shield. Fifty-fifty afterward all this, though, repaired weapons have half the damage output of never-damaged weapons, and so yous will desire to add a new weapon if you plan on using the ship in space gainsay.

On the other hand, if you find a damaged send that is much larger than something yous could otherwise currently afford at a star station, yous can keep information technology and switch over now and repair the slots i by one as y'all gradually accumulate more than units and resources. Paying a few actress units now to repair a crashed 48-slot Southward-form Hauler might save a lot of fourth dimension waiting for one to show up at a star station, if that'south what you ultimately desire.

If you lot exercise determine to exchange your current ship for a crashed send you can also only trade it in for a fully repaired ship. Fifty-fifty a beat upward massive Hauler tin can be worth x million units and offer the chance to attain a decent Fighter. Of course you can dismantle as many upgrades in the ship equally you want beforehand to proceeds resource.

NMS has significantly changed the mode crashed ships are handled with each game revision, and much of the early advice pertaining to crashed ships is now obsolete.

  • Foundation - transmissions can no longer be picked up by signal scanners, making finding crashed ships much more difficult than information technology was in the initial release.
  • Pathfinder - ship classes now affect inventory infinite, and as such, a crashed ship is more than likely to have a totally random number of slots.
  • Atlas Rises - removed the exploit whereby a transport with multiple damaged inventory slots could be traded in for the same price as an undamaged ship.
  • NEXT - players practice not have to exchange their ship for a crashed ship and can't reattain their own send if they did exchange information technology. However, they can only buy it and keep both to relieve the entire transport or just parts.
  • Synthesis - added a capability to scrap starships, including the crashed ones.

Starship components and technology [ ]

Ship control panels

Starships typically come with v central components preinstalled in their inventory: Launch Thruster, Pulse Engine, Photon Cannon, Deflector Shield and Hyperdrive; additionally, some starships also come with Efficient Thrusters and/or a second starship weapon. Freighters e'er have a Freighter Hyperdrive in the engineering inventory.

Living Ships accept equivalent key components: Neural Assembly, Pulsing Heart, Spewing Vents, Scream Suppressor and Singularity Cortex. Additionally, they have Grafted Eyes which are an equivalent of Phase Beam.

Many starship components can be upgraded, including drives, weaponry, fuel capacity and defensive mechanisms. The upgrades available will vary based on the blazon of ship being modified. These can all be upgraded by collecting necessary resources and crafting the technology.

Every bit of the Pathfinder update, new technology for starship upgrades can be purchased with Nanite Clusters from Gek traders located in space stations.
As of the NEXT update, these traders likewise sell Upgrade Modules for Nanite Clusters which incorporate procedurally generated starship technology upgrades.

Character Figurines (aka Bobbleheads ) are bachelor for install, and grant small-scale bonus increases to ship functions.

Upgrading Starship Technology [ ]

Technology Blueprints [ ]

These upgrades can exist made by the player by acquiring the blueprints through purchases or as rewards in response to in game achievements/quests.

Systems Class Technology / Upgrade Effect
Launch/Accept off Render.landinggear.png Launch Thruster Required for landing and elevator-off
CLASS.S.png RENDER.LANDINGGEARMOD.png Launch Organisation Recharger Recharges LT at 4% per infinitesimal
CLASS.B.png RENDER.LANDINGGEARMOD.png Efficient Thrusters Launch cost -20%
Pulse Organisation (System Travel) RENDER.PULSEDRIVE.png Pulse Engine Powers all in-flight systems
CLASS.S.png RENDER.PULSEDRIVE.png Sub-Light Amplifier Increases pulse engine speed
CLASS.A.png RENDER.PULSEDRIVE.png Instability Bulldoze Increases fuel efficiency
CLASS.A.png RENDER.PULSEDRIVE.png Photonix Core +25% Ability, +xv% Boost, +11% Maneuverability
Defense force Systems RENDER.SHIELD.png Deflector Shield Energy shield that protects spacecraft
CLASS.C.png RENDER.SHIELDMOD.png Ablative Armour +7% Shield Strength
Hyperdrive (Interstellar travel) Render.hyperdrive.png Hyperdrive Travel to Yellow Systems
CLASS.S.png TECHNOLOGY.INDIUMDRIVE.png Indium Drive Travel to Yellowish, Red, Green & Bluish Systems
CLASS.A.png TECHNOLOGY.EMERILDRIVE.png Emeril Drive Travel to Xanthous, Red & Light-green Systems
CLASS.A.png TECHNOLOGY.INDIUMDRIVE.png Emergency Warp Unit Allows escape from combat by warping
CLASS.B.png TECHNOLOGY.CADMIUMDRIVE.png Cadmium Drive Travel to Yellow & Red Systems
Combat Systems RENDER.SHIPPROJECTILE1.png Photon Cannon Charge per unit: vii shots/sec / Overheat: 5.6s / Cooldown: 4s
CLASS.C.png RENDER.SHIPPROJECTILE1MOD.png Non-Linear Optics +21% Heat Dispersion
RENDER.PHASEBEAM.png Stage Axle Spacefaring beam weapon and asteroid mining tool
CLASS.B.png RENDER.PHASEBEAMMOD.png Fourier De-Limiter +11% Heat Dispersion
RENDER.PHOTONBLAST.png Positron Ejector twenty shot, broad cone of devastation, lacks range
CLASS.B.png RENDER.PHOTONBLASTMOD.png Fragment Supercharger +twenty% Accurateness / +25% Range
RENDER.PHOTONACCEL.png Infra-Knife Accelerator Rapid sequences of fire.
CLASS.B.png RENDER.PHOTONACCEL.png Q-Resonator Changes 2 shot to 3 shot per volley, increasing Dmg
RENDER.IONBLAST.png Cyclotron Ballista Large concentrated ball of charged particles
CLASS.B.png RENDER.IONBLASTMOD.png Dyson Pump +eleven% Estrus Dispersion
Rocket Launcher.png Rocket Launcher Highly subversive weapon
CLASS.B.png RENDER.ROCKETMOD.png Large Rocket Tubes +20% Heat Recovery
Accessories RENDER.SHIPTELEPORT.png Teleport Receiver Increases material teleport range from 50u to 150u
RENDER.SHIPSCAN ECON.png Economic system Scanner Grants power to check a organization'due south economy details
RENDER.SHIPSCAN COMBAT.png Conflict Scanner Grants ability to bank check a arrangement's Disharmonize Level

Upgrade Modules [ ]

These upgrades tin normally simply be purchased from Starship applied science merchants at the Infinite station and occasionally equally a reward for completing a task (repairing a Crashed Ship, repairing Damaged Machinery, etc).

Platonic Layouts for Mechanical Ship Tech







C Class B Class A Class S Class X Class
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Render.landinggear.png Launch Thruster one C 1

B/A ane-2

S/X 2

Launch Cost -v -10 -10 -xv -xv -20 -20 -5 -25
Boost 0 one 2 5 5 eight 8 10 0 x
RENDER.PULSEDRIVEMOD.png Pulse Engine C 1-ii

B two

A 2-3

S 3

X 1-3

Fuel Efficiency 5 ten ten 15 fifteen 20 20 v 25
Maneuverability 0 five 0 x 5 12 5 12 0 xiv
Boost 0 5 five x 5 15 x 15 0 xx
RENDER.SHIELD.png Deflector Shield Always Shield Strength 10 20 10 twenty 20 xxx xxx seven.5 37.5

A/Southward ii

Ten one-two

Warp Cell Efficiency n/a n/a 100 100 100
Hyperdrive Range fifty 100 100 150 150 200 200 250 50 300
RENDER.SHIPPROJECTILE1MOD.png Photon Cannon 2 C/B 1-ii

A 2-3

S 3

Ten i-iii

Fire Rate 0 one 1 2 2 3 three 0 iii
Heat Dispersion 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 four
Damage 8 16 12 twenty 16 24 20 (half-dozen) 28 (8) eight 32 (9)
RENDER.PHASEBEAMMOD.png Phase Beam 2 C/B one-2

A/Southward 2

X i-ii

Oestrus Dispersion 10 35 35 55 55 75 75 95 x 100
Harm thirty 40 40 l 50 60 sixty (24) 70 (27) 30 80 (30)

B 2-3

A/S three

X one-three

Burn Rate five x 10 14 14 15 15 five 20
Heat Dispersion 1 5 5 x 10 fifteen 15 one xx
Damage 2 6 iv x 8 10 10 (three) 2 12 (3)
RENDER.PHOTONACCELMOD.png Infra-Pocketknife 2 C ane-ii

B 2-three

A/Due south 3

X 1-3

Fire Rate i v i 5 five ten 5 10 1 xv
Rut Dispersion 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 nine one 13
Harm 2 half dozen 4 10 eight 12 10 (6) 12 (7) 2 14 (eight)
RENDER.IONBLASTMOD.png Cyclotron ii C one-2

B two-iii

A/Southward 3

Ten ane-3

Fire Rate 1 5 1 v 5 10 10 15 1 20
Heat Dispersion x xx 20 25 25 30 30 35 10 xl
Damage ii 6 4 10 8 12 x 12 2 14


1. C grade really draws two stats.

2. Damage Stats visually indicated on upgrade in-game do not appear to reflect actual in game results.

iii. Upgrade modules should be added adjacent to the core system where possible, to a maximum of three upgrades in each type of inventory slot (eg. cargo and engineering science slots). This is best achieved by arrangements in a 2x2 box, or as a slightly lower cumulative gain as a line of 3 vertically or horizontally side by side to the core organisation.

Upgrading Living Ship Technology [ ]

Technology Blueprints [ ]

These upgrades tin can exist made by the thespian after completing the Starbirth mission.

Engineering / Upgrade Effect
Neural Assembly Launch/Accept-off System
Pulsing Middle Living Send Flight Booster
Singularity Cortex Living Transport Warp Drive
Scream Suppressor Living Ship Hull Protection
Grafted Eyes Living Ship Laser Device
Spewing Vents Living Ship Projectile Weapon

Upgrade Modules [ ]


Proper noun





C-Class B-Class A-Class S-Class
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Neural Assembly Always Launch Cost 5 10 x 15 15 20 20
Automatic Recharging No Yeah
Pulsing Heart 1-2 Fuel Efficiency 5 10 ten 15 15 20 20
Maneuverability 0 5 0 10 5 12 five 12
Boost 0 5 5 10 5 15 ten xv
Always Teleport Receiver Activated (Hidden)
Singularity Cortex E'er Hyperdrive Range l 100 100 150 150 200 200 250
Possible Warp Cell Efficiency 100 100
Ever Hyperdrive Scramble Activated (Hidden)
Scream Suppressor Always Shield Strength 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.i 0.1 0.ii 0.2 (xxx)
Browse Activated (Hidden)
Grafted Eyes 1 one-2 Heat Dispersion 10 35 35 55 55 75 75 95
Damage 30 xl 40 50 fifty 60 lx (24) seventy (27)
Spewing Vents 1 ane-two Burn down Charge per unit 0 1 ane 2 2 2.i (iii)
Heat Dispersion 0 1 1 2 2 3 1900 2700 (3)
Damage viii 16 12 20 xvi 24 20 (6) 28 (8)


1. Damage Stats visually indicated on upgrade in-game do not appear to reflect bodily in game results.

ii. Upgrade modules should be added adjacent to the core system where possible, to a maximum of 3 upgrades in each type of inventory slot (eg. cargo and applied science slots). This is all-time achieved by arrangements in a 2x2 box, or as a slightly lower cumulative gain as a line of iii vertically or horizontally adjacent to the core system.

Upgrading A Starship Course or Size [ ]

Players can upgrade their ship with additional inventory slots or class upgrade using the Starship Outfitting Last. Core stats will be upgraded following the classic'due south rules and based on the unique seed for the ship, which means they'll ever be the same for a given ship.

Upgrading a starship's class will increase the maximum number of slots it can have. That ways, a role player tin can upgrade a ship'southward class in club to apply more 'Storage Augmentation' units afterwards that ship's slots accept maxed-out.

Starship destruction [ ]

If your starship is destroyed in space, don't worry! You will spawn in the nearest space station in your transport. You will lose all the resources stored in your transport's hold, unless you follow the "grave icon" (atlas shaped icon). Once you become there you will exist able to collect your resources. It is possible that pirates loot your grave before yous make it, and you will lose all those resources. Your send may have technologies damaged (except for pulse drive). Your pulse drive will also be refilled when you respawn.

If your starship is destroyed in space while in Survival Manner things are a little different. You lose your ship inventory permanently, and wake upwards a expert altitude away from your crashed ship on the surface of the nearest planet. Like Normal Style, your ship will also have several damaged components.

Starship devastation in Permadeath mode results in the game catastrophe, and your salvage being deleted.

While non in a battle, the shield recharges on its own. While in battle, some of the containers from destroyed ships volition recharge the shield, or you can recharge it yourself with catalysts.

Version Differences [ ]

  • Atlas Rises immune ships to fly lower than before. Crashing ships in the footing or in props could damage them.
  • NEXT allowed for even lower flying, removed environmental ship damage and reduced the average impairment acquired by pirates.
  • Living Ship added the Living Send classic, hatched from Void Eggs.

Pre-order starships [ ]

Two dissimilar starships were available as bonuses for pre-ordering No Man'south Sky. PlayStation 4 players received Alpha Vector (known in-game as the Domanish s84) and PC players received Horizon Omega.

Pre-release starships [ ]

For a listing of pre-release ships, refer to the Pre-release ships page.

Additional Information [ ]

The looks of the ships, like everything else, are procedurally generated.

Before the Pathfinder update, the technologies and storage space were dependent on your electric current progress of the game and the kind of ship you currently owned.

Gallery [ ]

External links [ ]

  • How to Go a 48-Slot Ship Without Spending Units in No Human's Heaven on Gamepedia
  • Gallery of Fighter-Class Starships and their seeds
  • No Man'southward Sky ★ SHIPS!!
  • No Man'south Sky - Procedural ships and creatures - PlayStation 4 Message Lath for PlayStation iv - GameFAQs
  • Slides from the GDC talk past No man'southward sky developer – GameLaunches
  • Start Look: No Human'due south Heaven | Stone, Paper, Shotgun
  • No Man'south Sky: Everything Y'all Need to Know – IGN First - IGN

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